
Why We Need To Use Absolute References? | Excel | Tutorial

Absolute references ensure that your formula does not change when copied of filled. You can use absolute references when you want to keep certain cells constant. The dollar sign ($) is used before a row or column reference

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to use absolute references.

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In this example, we are given a table which shows the quantity of products sold by month. We need to work out the total price using the unit price given in cell B2.

Step 1 – We need to multiply the unit price by the quantity sold. To do this we will type the formula =B7*B2

Step 2 – Press F4 this is a shortcut to make a cell absolute (alternatively you can type $ sign in front of the row and column reference “$B$2”.

Step 3 – You should now be able to see the correct total price for January. We can now drag down the formula.

You should now be able to see the total price for each month.

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