
How To Solve a Basic Algebra Equation – Addition | Maths | Tutorial

Algebra is a type of mathematics which uses letters to represent possible numbers and quantities in equations. Algebra can be useful in solving real world problems as the letters can be used to represent real things.

Question: X + 5 = 10

What is the value of X?

Video Guide

Step 1 – Rearrange The Equation

Make X the the subject of the equation

X = 10 – 5

Note: If you move a positive value (+5) to the other side of the equation it becomes a negative value (-5).

Step 2 – Solve

X = 10 – 5

X = 5

(The next step is to check that your working is correct and is not required to answer the question.)

Step 3 – Validate

Substitute the value of X into the equation

5 + 5 = 10

If both sides are equal the equation has been solved.

22 thoughts on “How To Solve a Basic Algebra Equation – Addition | Maths | Tutorial”

  1. I like to think of it as doing the same operation to both sides of the equation, so if you subtract 5 from both sides you have

    X + 5 = 10

    subtract 5 from both sides

    X + 5 – 5 = 10 – 5

    this isolates x

    x = 5

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “If both sides are equal the equation has been solved”
    I think that is the key to solve any algebra problem. Too many times the equal sign is misunderstood.
    Thank you for your visit, this page is very interesting , congratulations. And happy sunday for everyone !

    Liked by 2 people

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