
What Are The Most Popular Interview Questions? | Tutorial | Guide

Job interviews are something nearly everyone will go through once in their lives.  With most job interviews the questions are very standard and there are only so many questions that you are likely to be asked. In this guide we will look at what some of most common interview questions are and for each one a couple of bullet points to give you an idea of how to approach these questions. At least one of these questions will certainly come on in your next interview so be prepared to tackle it head on.

Here are a list of questions you will likely be asked in an interview:

  1. Tell me about yourself?
    • Education
    • Job History
    • Certificates
  1. What do you known about our company?
    • Companies Reputation
    • Sector the company operates in /Products they sell
    • Company Objectives
  1. Why is there a gap in your employment history?
    • Maternity
    • Travelling
    • Illness
  1. What kind of work environment do you like best?
    • Quiet/Fast Paced
    • Teamwork/Independent
  1. Tell me about a professional achievement that you are proud of?
    • Most sales in a month
    • Consistently met deadlines
    • Most clients won
  1. What is your greatest weaknesses?
    • Stressed
    • Organisational Skills
    • Public Speaking
  1. What do you like about this job?
    • Aligns with your skills and goals
    • Challenging work
    • Help develop new skills
  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
    • Would like to become an specialist in this industry
    • Would like to take on more managerial responsibilities
  1. What are your salary expectations?
    • Provide a range with your expected salary closer to the lower end (e.g. if your ideal salary is $50,000 provide a range of $48,000 – $55,000)
    • Sometimes you can accept a lower salary if other benefits make up for it such as work from home days, pensions, bonus, free gym membership, etc.
  1. Do you have any questions?
    • What are my day to day responsibilities?
    • What would my targets be over the first few months?
    • You can ask them what they like about working there
    • What is the next stage of the hiring process?

9 thoughts on “What Are The Most Popular Interview Questions? | Tutorial | Guide”

  1. In y experience as a search committee chairman at a public college, the most important questions we asked in a faculty or administrative interview were performance based.
    Ex. How would you manage teaching 3-4 different classes? Have you found the position you want yet with your obvious math skills?


  2. An important piece of my interview with a potential employee is to try to “get to know” them, to try to get some clues as to the type of person they are.
    Most interviewers have a lot of lame, expected and constantly-repeated questions you can prepare yourself for (and- for the person doing the hiring- they can be well-rehearsed, inflated, or “ideal” answers someone has gleaned from other sources.)
    In my line of work, I have discovered certain attributes that make a great A/V tech, and they have little to do with their previous knowledge or claimed aspirations.
    Before starting the real interview process, I’ll tell them right out that it is an imperfect process, and we should relax and visit a little before getting down to business. I want to talk to the person I’m going to work with for twenty years, not the nervous applicant that is bent on having every right answer. Here are things I listen for:
    Someone who is active: they like activity and the outdoors. They bike or hike or ski or water ski or all of the above.
    Someone who is artistic: they play the guitar or paint in oils or write poetry or they are woodworkers building dollhouses or birdhouses. They are creative types.
    I need to gauge their temperament. I ask open-ended questions like “tell me about your favorite or least favorite job.” Not “what did you like most” or “like least”. This openness allows them to talk about the things that inspire them or annoy them. This also invites their opinions, and during their discourse one can listen for the sounds of respect, teamwork, camaraderie, ambitions and dreams. Conversely, letting them talk will reveal negativities, difficulties getting along with people, disdain for authority, self-centeredness, etc.
    Most importantly: I remember (and remind others on the hiring team) that I am trying to hire a good potential A/V technician with some longevity to make the best of our investment in them. I am NOT looking for someone who can compile an attractive resume, write a good cover letter, or interview well. It’s my job to get the most out of the interview, as I am a professional “interviewer”. The applicant is not applying for the position of “best managed application process.”




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